Contact Us
What problem are you trying to solve?
Digital Key protection. Our Products will help thousands of companies and millions of individuals protect their digital assets and prove their identity, or any other relevant attribute in a simple and robust manner.
How big is your target market?
Dozens of large banks and telecom corporations first, then thousands of medium-size companies, finally millions of individuals: we will establish our brand through the Business-to-Business high-end segment, extend to smaller companies to finally conquer the B-to-C market.
Why will Event Horizon succeed?
Surfing the wave of the digital revolution, we will stick to our foundational principles and never compromise on security or quality: we control 100% of our code base, do not use external components unless fully audited and vetted by our team. This will be a decisive competitive advantage in the rough years to come: uncompromising robustness.
Is your project scalable?
Infinitely. Because we focus on 1 single core mission, digital signing, and because our products are simple to use, run and maintain, their usage will expand exponentially. We will keep improving to reach a growing number of market segments according to our product roadmap.
Is your project a cryptocurrency project?
No. However our key protection and digital signing technology can be used to build cryptocurrency wallets.
Is your project a Blockchain project?
No. However a Blockchain project could use our library to build a robust protection for their digital signing keys.
Is your project a Cyber-security project?
Yes. We focus on one unique objective: build usable products to protect digital keys and offer a flexible framework for companies and individuals digital signing protection.
What is your Legal structure and regulation?
Event Horizon Holdings Ltd. is incorporated in England. Event Horizon Labs Ltd is fully owned by Event Horizon Holdings, and also incorporated in England. Our companies are governed by the English Companies Act and follow the English regulation for governance, tax and employment.
Why can’t I find Nick on Linkedin?
Simply because of his convictions about digital identity and privacy protection. Until Social Networks meet his safety and integrity requirements, Nick will not use any of them.
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